Zen Internet IPv6 trial

IPv6 has been around for over a decade, but most ISPs in the UK have yet to roll it out to residential customers. This is an issue for developers like myself, who want to build systems which work on IPv4 and IPv6 but have no way to test the latter natively. Andrews & Arnold have offered native IPv6 for many years, but they are not particularly price competitive for what is ultimately a commodity service.

A lot of techies I know use Zen Internet for their broadband connections, as they are technically competent but also large enough to offer competitive pricing. For many years IPv6 has been ‘coming soon’, but now Zen are at the stage where they are trialling the service with selected residential customers. You can find out more on their IPv6 Launch: Phase Two blog post, including how to register for the trial.

On a related note, if you are a Zen customer then you should make sure you check their current packages, as the prices have changed recently. A quick phone call to their sales department switched me on to an equivalent package, but reduced my bill by over £10 a month.