Freelancing Q&A sessions

Over the past few years, I’ve delivered Q&A sessions on what it is like to be a freelancer, at conferences and to groups of students at universities. These have always been well-received, so I’m now opening up the option of having a Q&A session to organisations and groups which might be interested in finding out more about freelancing.

The following rules apply to Q&A sessions:

  • No recording or transcripts (unless required for accessibility, in which case these must remain private and only be shared with individual students).
  • Remote only.
  • Everyone must wear headphones or be muted, otherwise the echo is very distracting.
  • UK working hours only (09:00 – 17:00 Monday to Friday). I’m happy to do international calls if they can fit in those hours.
  • English only – neither my French nor my Latin are good enough (yet!) for a Q&A.
  • The group leader must be present to guide the discussion, make sure everyone gets a chance to speak etc.
  • Follow-up questions after the Q&A should go via the group leader.
  • I reserve the right to cancel the Q&A or end it early if my professional boundaries aren’t respected.

I’m flexible about what video conferencing software we use, although I find Zoom and Jitsi to be the most reliable. Ideally there should be a UK phone number to call as a last resort (I’ve had to do this in the past when an institution’s security preferences only allowed people to join if they had an email address on the institution’s domain).

For a Q&A session that meets the above criteria I appreciate, but do not require, a donation to a charity supporting diabetes, asthma or mental health, as these affect people close to me.

If you want to deviate from the above criteria (e.g. you would like an in-person Q&A), then this will be chargeable, with a minimum fee of £375 plus travel expenses.

If you would like to book a Q&A session, please contact me via email to discuss dates.