Problem: Find the difference between the sum of the square of the first 100 natural numbers, and the square of the sum of the first 100 natural numbers. Solution: PHP…
Problem: Find the smallest number with all the integers 1 to 20 as factors (i.e. divisible without a remainder). Q. What is the simplest way to find the lowest number…
Problem: Find the longest palindrome made from the product of two three-digit numbers. Q: How do we work out if a number is a palindrome?A: Convert it to a string…
Problem: What is the highest prime factor of n? In this case: n = 600851475143 Q: What is the simplest way to find the highest prime factor of n?A: Try dividing…
Problem: Find the sum of all the even numbers in the Fibonacci sequence whose values do not exceed 4 million. Q: What is the minimum section of the sequence that…
Problem: Find the sum of all numbers below 1000 which are a multiple of 3 or 5. Solution: Given the numbers involved, we can simply brute-force the answer by simply…
Invoice Ninja is a self-hosted and open source invoicing solution written using a PHP framework called Laravel. I wanted to give it a try as a replacement for my existing…
My distribution of choice for all my non-server machines is Xubuntu, due to its stripped down and low resource usage desktop environment. One thing that has irked me for ages…
One of the servers which I login to on a regular basis has the annoying habit of dropping any SSH connections where there has been no activity for more than…
One of the most important things about running your own business is deciding on the terms under which you will supply goods and services to clients. These are often contained…