Redirecting and displaying standard output and error

Most Linux sysadmins will know this little trick for redirecting standard output and standard error (i.e. ‘all’ output from a command) to a file:

make &> /tmp/build.log

However, sometimes you’ll want to monitor the output on the screen as well as redirecting to a file. For example, when I’m building a big program I want to keep my eye on where things are up to, but I also want a copy sent to a file so I can examine it if there are any errors. I could open a second terminal and run tail on the file, but there’s a more elegant solution:

make 2>&1 | tee /tmp/build.log

The tee command reads from standard input and writes to standard outputĀ and a file. So in the above pipeline we’re saying:

  1. Redirect standard error to standard output (2>&1).
  2. Pipe standard outputĀ to the standard input of tee.
  3. Display standard input on standard output and write it to a file.

Tee is part of the GNU coreutils package, so it should be installed by default on pretty much every Linux system.


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